Annual programme


2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025


31st Jan

Peter James. Peter continues to tell us about Coventry's industrial past, with "The Grand Complication". In 1909 a pocket watch was made in Coventry for JP Morgan, the famous American banker. In 2020 its whereabouts were a mystery so an investigative journalist set out to trace it. Its current value could exceed £10million!

28th Feb

David Fry returns with "Coventry's Canal: A Hidden History in Plain Sight".

28th Mar

AGM. Anne Langley "Early Allotments in Warwickshire - their contribution to society".

25th Apr

Alan Godfrey of the Alcester Local History Society: "The Blind Postmaster General and the Suffragist" - the lives of the academic, statesman and economist Henry Fawcett and his wife Dame Millicent Garrett Fawcett, the women's suffrage activist. In 1880 Henry was made Postmaster General in Gladstone's government. He improved working conditions for Post Office staff, introduced the parcel post, the savings stamp and the postal order; Millicent was principally responsible for women first receiving the vote in 1918.

23rd May

Dr Javad Hashemi is not only an expert on Persian miniature painting, but a Pocillovist. Hence, "The Fascinating Story of Egg Cups"! He writes: Egg Cups have been used since Roman times. Throughout the ages, they have changed in shape, pattern and materials. This talk opens a window into their fascinating history.

27th Jun

Niamh Carton, Community Engagement Manager at St Mary's Guildhall - the history and recent refurbishment of this magnificent guildhall.

26th Sep

Sarah Boden of Imagine Theatre: "Pantomimes - Oh Yes we Do!" Based locally and building on a legacy of family entertainment stretching back over 25 years, Imagine Theatre is one of the largest pantomime producers in the UK. There will be props and costumes to see!

31st Oct

Paul Waddoups "The Kilsby Tunnel Murder Mystery 1906". Returning to school at Princethorpe, the young daughter of a French aristocrat is found dead in Kilsby Tunnel. Is it suicide, a terrible accident, or the work of the Railway Ripper?

28th Nov

Christine Cluley - Cicely Neale. Cicely was born in Westwood Heath in 1879, the daughter of the Headmaster, Edwin Neale. She went on to be a gifted teacher herself, and a leading local suffragette.

12th Dec

Christmas Social.

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