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Grave photoDoreen Alice Emma Goode was the daughter of John Goode the village blacksmith and his wife Emma Elizabeth nee Bennett. She was born on 17 October 1922 and had two older sisters and a brother. Sadly her mother died when she was just a few months old and John remarried on 7 June 1924. His new wife was Ellen Maude Charles, a domestic servant in Banbury. By the time of the 1939 register John (still the blacksmith) and Ellen were continuing to live in Stoneleigh, on the Birmingham Road, where both Doreen and her sister Doris were tailoresses and their brother Alfred was a chauffeur and gardener. On 2 February 1952 Doreen married George William Johnson, who was 42 years old. Despite being considerably older than Doreen, George survived her by many years, as she died on 23 May 1973 and he did not die until 29 November 1991, when he was 81. Little is currently known about George William other than his date of birth, 14 December 1909, which is given on his headstone.

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