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Grave photo Emma Flint nee Faulks Emma Faulks was born in 1835 in Kenilworth, the daughter of Richard Faulks a horn presser, and his wife Hannah nee Cleaver. The family lived in High Street in 1841, but by 1851 Emma had gone to work in Coventry as a servant to a ribbon manufacturer in Much Park Street. She married Edwin Flint, then a journeyman blacksmith, on 16 November 1856 at St Paul's Warwick when she was 21 and they went on to have seven children. They lived both in Birmingham and in Kenilworth, but by 1874 had moved to Stoneleigh as their son Albert was admitted to Stoneleigh School in that year. One of their daughters, Amy, married Samuel Smith, (E 10.4 ) and the couple became schoolmaster and schoolmistress until his untimely death in 1892, leaving her with seven children. Another daughter, Alice, had her share of tragedy too, when her husband Henry Hulbert was drowned in 1903 (E 5. 4) and her son Charles Edwin met his death in 1919 when just 17 years old. Emma died on 12 March 1907, aged 72, and was buried on 16 March. [Edwin later entered the almshouses and died aged 80 in 1914. He had spent his life as a smith, first as a whitesmith, and for more than twenty years as the village blacksmith/shoesmith on the Stoneleigh estate.]

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