Lieutenant Edward Henry Leigh
Rifle Brigade
Second son of the Hon. Sir E. Chandos Leigh (O.H.), K.C.B., K.C., for
many years Legal Counsel to the Speaker, of 45 Upper Grosvenor Street, W., and
of Lady Leigh, and grandson of Lord Leigh, of Stoneleigh, Warwickshire.
He attended Pembroke College, Cambridge.
Lieutenant Leigh received his Commission in 1911, when he joined the
2nd Battalion of the Rifle Brigade in India, being promoted Lieutenant in
1913. He went to the Front with his Regiment in November, 1914, and
took part in the Battle of Neuve Chapelle, his Battalion gaining the
distinction of being the first actually to enter and capture that village. He
was killed on May 9th, 1915, while leading his men into action in the
attack on the Aubers Ridge.
He was much beloved by his Riflemen, who said that there was not one
of them who would not have followed him into action anywhere, he was so fearless.