Stoneleigh History Society


Our AGM is on Tuesday 25th March at 7.30pm in the village hall. Unfortunately our advertised talk will no longer take place and so Sheila Woolf will speak on " An Arabian Odyssey- from Flintshire to the Land of the Pharaohs", the story of her ancestor's adventures in Egypt and the Sudan in the 1800s.
Birmingham Road
Are you a member of a local society who would welcome a speaker? Please contact for a brochure/further details.
The Society was formed in January 2011 with the principal aim of discovering and recording information about the village's rich history. Since then we have undertaken several projects, largely relating to significant buildings in the village; we have a thriving membership. New members will be warmly welcomed to our meetings. Please see our Membership section. All meetings are held on the last Tuesday of the month, at 7.30pm in Stoneleigh Village Hall.Visitors are always welcome. There is a small charge of £3 to include refreshments. If you are unable to attend meetings we hope that you will find something of interest on our website. We would be delighted to hear from you with any recollections of life in Stoneleigh in times past. If you are researching your family's history we will be pleased to help, though it may take some time! Please contact the Chairman, Sheila Woolf, in the first instance, if you would like to know more, via All research is done by volunteers, and so if we are successful in helping you, a small donation to the society would be appreciated.

Motslow Hill On Motslow Hill Many pictures on this site are reproduced courtesy of the Derek Robinson Collection; most of them date from the mid-twentieth century.

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